Hope's Journey House

The Hope's Journey House is now open and accepting applications!

How to Join The Hope's Journey House:

Applications can be printed for free at:

There are no fees for submitting an application and no insurance necessary.

2. Turn in the Application: 

Application can be submitted in person at Don Meyers Law Office: 

1005 Harrison Ave, Harrison, OH 45030 

Faxed to Don at: (513) 367-2145

Or emailed to Don at: themeyer10@gmail.com

3. Undergo Drug Screening:

If you seem like you may be a good fit for the house, you will be asked to undergo a drug screening. Hope's Journey will cover the cost for this test, but you must test drug free in order to be eligible to live at the house. 

4. Sign Policy And Procedures Document:

5. Move In! 

If you seem like a good candidate for the house and pass your drug screening, you will be invited to live at the Hope's Journey House. At this time you will be asked to move in as soon as you can. 


Feel free to contact our house manager, Joe Lorenz at 937-602-5512 for any questions you might have about joining the HJ House.